Alto (pre-production)
Sofia Del Vecchio (rumored)
???? The Locals (pre-production)
Mary Romano
2013 The Maid`s Room (post-production)
Mrs. Crawford
2013 Helyszínelők (TV series)
Nancy Brass
u2013 Skin in the Game (2013) u2026 Nancy Brass
2013 Zsaruvér (TV series)
Dr. Grace Meherin
u2013 Front Page News (2013) u2026 Dr. Grace Meherin
2012 A férjem védelmében (TV series)
Lesli Rand
u2013 Waiting for the Knock (2012) u2026 Lesli Rand
2012 A Green Story
2010 The Whole Truth (TV series)
Madeline Landon
u2013 When Cougars Attack (2010) u2026 Madeline Landon
2009 Észvesztő (TV series)
Nora Skoff
u2013 Bad Moon Rising (2009) u2026 Nora Skoff
u2013 Life and Limb (2009) u2026 Nora Skoff
u2013 Lines in the Sand (2009) u2026 Nora Skoff
u2013 Do Over (2009) u2026 Nora Skoff
u2013 Coda (2009) u2026 Nora Skoff
See all 12 episodes
2005-2007 Esküdt ellenségek: Bűnös szándék (TV series)
Detective Carolyn Barek / Lawyer
u2013 Self-made (2007) u2026 Lawyer
u2013 The Good (2006) u2026 Detective Carolyn Barek
u2013 To the Bone (2006) u2026 Detective Carolyn Barek
u2013 The Healer (2006) u2026 Detective Carolyn Barek
u2013 Dramma Giocoso (2006) u2026 Detective Carolyn Barek
See all 13 episodes
2003-2007 Bírósági mesék (TV series)
Judge Kim Vicidomini
u2013 That Voodoo That You Do (2007) u2026 Judge Kim Vicidomini
u2013 Words That Wound (2007) u2026 Judge Kim Vicidomini
u2013 Case by Case (2007) u2026 Judge Kim Vicidomini
u2013 Things Change (2007) u2026 Judge Kim Vicidomini
u2013 Let`s Make a Deal (2007) u2026 Judge Kim Vicidomini
See all 13 episodes
2007 Vészhelyzet (TV series)
Diana Moore
u2013 Lights Out (2007) u2026 Diana Moore
u2013 Photographs and Memories (2007) u2026 Diana Moore
2007 L. (TV series)
Kate Arden
u2013 Long Time Coming (2007) u2026 Kate Arden
u2013 Literary License to Kill (2007) u2026 Kate Arden
u2013 Little Boy Blue (2007) u2026 Kate Arden
2006 Marvelous
2006 Védd magad!
Bella DiNorscio
2005 Tizenkettő
Carla Chuang
2005 Esküdt ellenségek - Az utolsó szó jogán (TV series)
Maggie Dettweiler
u2013 The Abominable Showman (2005) u2026 Maggie Dettweiler
2004 Identity Theft: The Michelle Brown Story (TV movie)
Connie Volkos
2004 The Madam`s Family: The Truth About the Canal Street Brothel (TV movie)
Jeanette Maier
2001-2004 Maffiózók (TV series)
Gloria Trillo
u2013 The Test Dream (2004) u2026 Gloria Trillo
u2013 Calling All Cars (2002) u2026 Gloria Trillo
u2013 Everybody Hurts (2002) u2026 Gloria Trillo
u2013 Amour Fou (2001) u2026 Gloria Trillo
u2013 Pine Barrens (2001) u2026 Gloria Trillo
See all 7 episodes
2004 American Crime (video)
Jane Berger
2004 Szabadság, szerelem
Cynthia Morales
2001 Jenifer (TV movie)
Meredith Estess
2001 Angyali érintés (TV series)
Dr. Sarah Conover
u2013 The Face of God (2001) u2026 Dr. Sarah Conover
2001 Sam the Man
2001 Domenica
2000 Egyszer az életben
2000 King of the Jungle
2000 Above Suspicion
Lisa Stockton
1998 Csodás álmok jönnek
Annie Collins-Nielsen
1998 New Rose Hotel
Madame Rosa
1997 Mr. Jealousy
Ramona Ray
1997 Copland
Liz Randone
1997 Destination Anywhere (video)
1997 Kisvárosi intrikák
1997 Asteroid - Ránk szakad az ég (TV movie)
Dr. Lily McKee
1997 Highball
1996 A temetés
1996 Underworld
Dr. Leah
1996 Ártatlan álom
Billie Hayman
1995 Favorite Deadly Sins (TV movie)
1995 Irány a Mississippi!
1995 Menekülés a pokolból
1993 Mr. Wonderful
1993 Rómeó vérzik
Natalie Grimaldi
1993 Zűrzavaros éjszakák
Ellen Holder
1992 Suttogások a sötétben
Ann Hecker
1992 A kéz, amely a bölcsőt ringatja
Claire Bartel
1991 Dzsungelláz
Angie Tucci
1991 Jobb ma egy zsaru, mint holnap kettő
1991 Prison Stories: Women on the Inside (TV movie)
1990 A szerencse forgandó
1990 Cadillac Man
1990 Higgy neki, hisz zsaru
Heather Peck
1989/I True Love
1988 Mamma Lucia (TV mini-series)
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